I D TECH™ SCAN has been developed by CANCOM for the Car Rental Industry and enables our clients to electronically authenticate, verify & capture details of the renter by scanning the South African Driver's Licence. Our system also caters for International Passports & Driver's Licences. This aids in preventing fraudulent transactions and enabling CANCOM to Redirect Traffic Fines to the correct offender. By doing so, the liability caused by Traffic Fines is removed from the Car Rental Companies and redirected to the correct driver of the vehicle. This system has been developed in accordance with the AARTO Act.
Scan & Verify the South African Driver's Licence
Electronically capture RA Number & Vehicle Registration Number
Ability to capture images of International Passports & Driver's Licences
Verify over 240 country’s passports
Live Database
Web access to captured transactions
Electronic Traffic Fine Management & Redirections
User Friendly